Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Please take our poll to the left. It will close on 10/13.
If you haven't considered the idea that the current movement of "education" and reform of the laws may backfire, read the article I posted on babywhys. http://www.babywhys.org/#legal
Mothering.com and Mothering Magazine have done articles about how breastfeeding is in trouble. I wonder, could the campaign to make everyone aware of the so-called shortcomings of the law actually have an effect on breastfeeding rates, because it scares moms? Should we instead be talking about standing up for our human rights as women, and for our babies' human rights, not "fighting for rights"?
You can vote here on our poll, comment here on this post, or post to the babywhys yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/babywhys/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This discussion actually meshes well with something I was just reading.
Federalist Paper #84 is one where Hamilton is arguing that the Bill of Rights
in the US Constitution is not only unnecessary, but potentially dangerous to
protecting the Rights of the People.

Here is an article with the relevant section:
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Federalist_ No._84

The basic idea is that the Constitution granted the government certain rights
and that ALL other rights are reserved to the people. So, in other words, as
long as the Constitution doesn't explicitly say that a woman cannot
breastfeed in public, then there is NO foundation to say that she cannot.

Of course, this is US government and not local (or state), but most of the
states' constitutions were modelled after the US.

However, today's legal reality bears little to no relation to the Constitution
anyway, so if you want to have a right these days, you have to have another
law to guarantee it. sigh.