Sunday, December 10, 2006

Nursing Images, The Act of Nursing, Nursing Promotions

If you see a mom breastfeeding her baby, babywearing, or otherwise nurturing her baby in a healthy way, send me the description and I will add it here.

If you see a pro-breastfeeding ad, TV show, movie, or other media example, send me a description or a link and I will add it here.

If you see any other promotion or hear of one, send me the description and I will add it here.

I'll start:

Saw one mom breastfeeding a newborn at church, in the back pew with a blankie covering said baby.

Nursed my own baby and babywore in public today... at church I also nursed my toddler.

via web:
Today at a neighborhood christmas party, I saw a neighbor of mine nursing her 15 month old daughter. I stopped and said that I was thrilled to see another mom nursing her baby past 1 year and we chatted about how much our babies loved to nurse, it was great comfort to them, etc.


kbfamily said...

Hi Amy,
i am here from the hand list.
I have a personal entry.

Went with the family to Olive Garden.
My three month old started fussing and there was no way to get her latched on without much more fussing and disturbing others so I took her to the bathroom, got her latched on then walked through the restaurant while nursing.

As far as I could tell, it just looked like I was carrying a sleeping baby.

I have also nursed while walking around target. (although in that case the security cameras got a lesson in proper latch-on technique)

good page...hope it flies!!


Anonymous said...

I nurse my 7 month old wherever I am and as a mom of 6, I am often somewhere besides home. But recently, I walked around Central Market with my daughter laying in the top part of the cart on top of a blanket and a shopping cart seat cover while nursing her. Probably everyone could see my fat belly and sides, but it was comfortable for her and me and easier than stopping my shopping (which I would have done if there was no other way).