Friday, February 02, 2007


It shouldn't be too big of a sacrifice, but as stated in the previous blog entry, I am personally abstaining from purchasing anything at Walmart, for the time being.

This Saturday, in complete violation of the WHO Code, Walmart stores across the country are opening their doors to the formula companies. In a series of demonstrations for an event called "All Things Baby" Similac will hold a nutrition and feeding seminar. They will hand out free samples of formula and other products. (If it's "ALL Things Baby," then please tell me - where is the representation of BREASTFEEDING?)

Free samples are proven to shorten duration, compromise exclusivity and overall interfere with breastfeeding. Babies deserve to be protected from unnecessary formula supplementation. Moms should be supported in feeding their children the normal, natural way, not undermined.

A formula representative could not possibly plan to present accurate information about infant nutrition, or else they would have to stop selling and start hiding their formula cans. Many people who work for these companies pretend to be lactation consultants and preach that mixed feedings are ok. But as we know, mixed feedings compromise the normal physiology and health of mothers and babies and ultimtely lead to premature weaning. It is the formula lobby's ultimate goal to make sure that no baby is ever exclusively breastfed and will at some point in their life drink formula. This event is a massive attack on the attempts at breastfeeding success by women across the country, and the worst part is that it makes formula seem like the normal way everyone feeds their kids. Who wouldn't be thankful for a FREE sample of something to feed a child with, right?

News flash: Breast milk is FREE!

Please send Walmart your own comment and urge them to give equal opportunity to breastfeeding support and cancel the Similac demonstration.

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Here is what I wrote:

I was dismayed to learn that Walmart is allowing Similac into its stores all across the country this Saturday to promote and hand out samples of infant formula and impersonate nutrition experts by doing a "demonstration" and feeding lecture.

I called the store near me to inquire about the possibility of our local breastfeeding support group hosting a table near the Similac booth to provide assistance and support to breastfeeding mothers. I was told that all nonprofits have to be outside to distribute information.

So it seems that Walmart is favoring formula feeding over breastfeeding. Breastfeeding detracts from profit-driven motives because it is a free source of food, but it also saves money for tax payers and businesses and helps the planet by reducing pollution and garbage and energy consuption. The US economy spends at least $3.6 billion per year on paying for medical costs and lost wages for caring for sick children who are formula-fed.

I hate to think that Walmart would open its store to a formula company but kick breastfeeding moms out into the cold.

Formula-feeding is not a normal way to feed your child and it is responsible for over 8,000 preventable deaths in the US each year, and 1.5 million or more each year worldwide (according to the WHO and UNICEF).

Walmart is now implicated in these infant deaths.

I encourage you to invite breastfeeding support groups to hold a seminar in your baby section of your stores alongside or instead of the Similac demonstration.

I urge you to cancel the demonstration by Similac, but if that doesn't happen then I urge you to hold a special event for breastfeeding ACROSS the country and offer some REAL information about infant nutrition.

I will be at Walmart this Saturday not to buy anything but rather to nurse my two kids at the Similac counter.

I will not purchase anything at Walmart again until this situation is rectified, and I will discourage everyone I know from shopping at Walmart.

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